New real time sensors for the determination of microbiological contamination in environmental and biomedical matrices
The primary objective of the project is to develop innovative tools to assess, manage and communicate the risk of chemical and microbiological contamination, to overcome the current retrospective approach by promoting a preventive approach, and to move from a local to a global risk approach, covering the whole supply chain, from the collection basin to the point of final use.
LINARI ENGINEERING SRL - Nanotechnology Division
Innovation: the SENSOR project intends to build devices capable of detecting in real time, in a simple, rapid, economic and sensitive way, undesirable agents that may affect the production process/activity.
Results: the SENSOR project foresees the development of innovative high sensitivity sensors and multi-sensor platforms for the dynamic and real-time monitoring of chemical and microbiological contaminants in air and water, and their integration in an innovative interoperable IT platform for data acquisition, management and sharing.
ARCHA Laboratories (lead partner), Linari Engineering, SMI Medical, PontLAB, Institute of Biophysics - CNR,, TECIP Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, UNIPI, CNIT, National Laboratory of Photonic Networks, Institute of NanoScience - CNR and INSTM, National Interuniversity Consortium for Materials Science and Technology.
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